Soaking Up the Weekend


It’s Saturday, and we’re trying to wake up. Blasting “80’s Alternative Essentials” off Apple Music. I’m grooving on it. Not sure about whether my husband is grooving on it. His choice would have been Celtic; I needed something more wakey than that.

Another bat

Photo by Vijay R on

(Note: we just packed up another bat for Public Health after we caught Chloe trying to eat it. We’re awake now.)

Weekends with my husband

The big difference for me between weekdays and weekends is that on the weekends, I have my husband all day Sunday and some Saturdays. Lately I don’t see him till 9 PM because he’s practicing to perform in a local musical. Now that I have him all day today, what are we going to do?

We’re in our 50’s. We’re probably going to sit in the living room and soak up the cool, listen to music. I’m probably going to edit my latest WIP. We’ll share things we find on the Internet.

When I hang out with my husband, it’s so much better than when I hang out alone. I can bounce things off him, make faces at him, joke with him.

I’m really scattered today

I keep jumping from task to task, and it’s taken me four or five tries to get this blog finished. I guess I’ll stop here.

The Best Sunday Ever

I woke up this morning thinking it was Monday. The alarm had not gone off, and my phone read 6:09 AM, an hour later than I usually get up. I rushed around, wondering if I had time for a bath and realizing I hadn’t put my meds in their organizer the night before. 

And then I looked at my phone again and realized that it read Sunday, October 25.

I feel like life has given me a present. Another day to my weekend, another day to prep my NaNoWriMo entry, possibly go to the cafe and bounce ideas off my husband. Another day of relaxation. I feel like Ebenezer Scrooge when he woke up and realized he hadn’t missed Christmas after all.

What a reprieve! I think I’ll be grateful all day.

Another year of Missouri Hope in the Books

Another successful three days of moulage at Missouri Hope.

I haven’t written because I was really busy! I had a crew of three volunteers and my husband, and we managed to moulage about 150 people to go out into the field to play victims of a major tornado. 

Here’s a couple examples:

I didn’t get a lot of pictures because I was too busy moulaging.

As you can imagine, we were pretty busy with all of those people to moulage, but I can credit my team with making it a pretty painless experience. Usually we’re several people behind by the time it’s time to place them into the scenario, but we consistently finished on time. 

It’s great closing on another successful year! And I’m SO tired!